senoji_viliampoleVilijampolė, the part of Kaunas City, is the jungle of strange glory and firm stereotypes. This urban district is still little known and unpopular to the majority of Kaunas inhabitants due to the rumors and maybe not so modern architecture.

According to the art photographer, territory of Vilijampolė is unique, because street type, wooden houses of Jewish craftsmen and originality of area have not change until present days. Vilijampolė was a separate town till the 1910s governed by separate law. The majority of its famous people were of Jewish origin.

According to the E. Butkevičius, the part of photos, which reflect the life of Vilijampolė Ghetto during the war, was taken from archives. After the emptying of Ghetto, Lithuanians began to live here instead of Jews. A specific nowadays life is depicted in the second part of this album. Vilijampolė is still a mystified area for the majority of people.

While taking photos of the old Vilijampolė and territory of Jewish Ghetto, the author fell into a peculiar micro world with small streets, shabby or colorful wooden houses, which are enclosed with tall walls to protect the private life of new inhabitants. It is not an accurate documentation, but more like observations on the present of the old Vilijampolė. The majority of European cities no longer have such historical suburbs. Street type and wooden houses of Jewish craftsmen have not change in the old Vilijampolė; its originality is the component of our city’s identity.

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