The Foundation for Disposal of Good Will Compensation for the Immovable Property of Jewish Religious Communities, Public establishment was founded in 2011 after the talks between Lithuanian governmental institutions and a delegation comprised of representatives from various Lithuanian and international Jewish organizations, which lasted more than a decade, culminated in the enactment of the Law on Good Will Compensation.
The founder and the sole stockholder of the Good Will Foundation is the Foundation for the Lithuanian Jewish heritage.
As stipulated by the aforementioned legislature, the Good Will Foundation will receive the compensation, which totals around 37 million euros, from the Lithuanian state budget to be used for funding projects which deal with religious, cultural, health care, sports, educational and scientific goals pursued by Lithuanian Jews in Lithuania. This amount will be paid out in installments up until 2023.
As also stated by the Law on Good Will Compensation, around 870,000 euros from the total amount have been earmarked for restitution to Jews who had been living in Lithuania during World War II and had been victims of occupying totalitarian regimes. On December 31, 2014 the Good Will Foundation completed the disbursement to more than 1500 individuals living around the world (you can read more about the disbursement process here).
Since 2014, the Good Will Foundation has been providing grants for projects that correspond to the goals as defined in the law of Good Will Compensation. Change in law. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania transfers an annual payment of 3.6 million EUR, half of which, approximately 1.6 million EUR the Good Will Foundation distributes for project grants every year. Another half, 1.8 million EUR, is being kept as an endowment for future project funding. This way the Foundation will be able to fund projects which benefit Jewish community in Lithuania even after no more Govenment payments will be available after 2023. More information about projects can be found here.
To become the most important recognised institution providing grants for significant projects that benefit Jewish community in Lithuania.
To distribute funds provided by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania for the religious, cultural, health care, sports, educational and scientific goals pursued by Lithuanian Jews in Lithuania in a transparent, fair and effective manner.
The Good Will Foundation adheres to the following values while implementing its vision and mission:
- Transparency and fairness
- Reliability and expertise
- Development and improvement