July 9 – 21, 2018
The archaeological research of the Great Synagogue began in 2011 when remains of the Great Synagogue were first located. In 2016-2017, remnants of the public bathhouse of the Jewish community of Vilnius and two Mikves (ritual baths) were exposed. The aim of the 2018 excavation is to further explore the bathhouse and to outline its perimeter and the back (northwestern) wall of the Great Synagogue.
Research Team:
Dr. Jon Seligman – Israel Antiquities Authority
Zenonas Baubonis, Simona Širvydaitė-Šliupienė, Justinas Račas – VšĮ Kultūros paveldo išsaugojimo pajėgos
Prof. Richard Freund – Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies, University of Hartford
Prof. Harry Jol – University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Prof. Philip Reeder – Duquesne University
The process of the archaeological research will be presented to the public:
July 19 and July 26 from 4 to 5 pm you can come to the research site in Vokiečių str. 13A and talk to archaeologists, to see the temporary exhibition of archaeological findings;
July 18 and July 25 from 12 to 1 pm an excursion on the Great Synagogue of Vilna held by the guide Daniel Gurevich (“Jerulita”). The excursion will start at 12 pm by the Information board in Žydu str.
July 12, 19 and 26 (Thursdays) from 12 to 1 pm the events from the cycle “Cultural heritage during lunch” (http://www.vsaa.lt/index.php/cultural-heritage-during-lunch-2/) will be held, during which the research, the history of the Great Vilna synagogue and the outcomes of excavations of previous years will be presented.
July 27 the presentation of the excavation results will be held for the public and media.
The research is partially financed by the Good Will Foundation implementing the project of PE“Kultūros paveldo išsaugojimo pajėgos”, project title: “The archaeological research of the Great Vilnius synagogue and Shullhoyf”, project No.: GVF-271/2017(2)PR. Partner of the project – Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community.
More information on the research of the Great Synagogue of Vilna can be found here: