Giving that by Lithuanian Republic Government Resolution on March 14, 2020, No. 207 “Regarding the pronouncement of the quarantine in the territory of Lithuanian Republic” quarantine was pronounced in the whole territory of Lithuanian Republic, with a regime duration of up to March 30, 2020 12 a.m. (see During the quarantine period, public and private sector activities are limited. Thus, during the whole period of quarantine PE “Good Will Foundation” (hereinafter – GWF) will accept the documents from project executors only in the order specified below:
1) If there is a possibility to sign the document with a secure electronic signature, which according to Lithuanian Republic legislation equals original person’s signature, project partial funding agreement, accommodated with GWF representative, as well as other documents (e.g. sets of activity and financial reports for previous quarters) signed with secure electronic signature by project executors and sent to GWF via email We also remind you that project cost estimate and financial reports also have to be signed by the chief accountant. Please note, that documents, justifying expenses can be sent scanned together with the above mentioned files signed with secure electronic signature.
2) If there is no possibility to sign documents with secure electronic signature, project executors submit to GWF via email scanned project partial funding agreements accommodated with GWF representative, signed by the head of project executor as well as other documents (e.g. sets of activity and financial reports for previous quarters) together with informational note, when the original documents were/will be sent to GWF via post (in quarantine period PE “Lithuanian Post” is working and provides services) or via couriers. Please note that scanned project cost estimates and financial reports have to be signed only by the head of project executor, nevertheless original documents have to be signed by the head of project executor and chief accountant.
If you have further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact GWF on the telephone number: +370 650 91521.