The book “The Magic of the Night” (Lithuanian) by Lea Ben ShLomo and Ilja Bereznickas can be purchased at the Good Will Foundation.

It is so hard to compete with electronic toys and computer games in this modern world. Neras and Šansas, wooden dolls, know that they can be funny toys if just one child would pick them and take home. Maybe the success will be on their side and their dreams come true after using the magical mirror? Sometimes magic hides in surprises and dangerous experiences. Heroes of this fairy-tale are ready to risk.

This colorful and funny book is full of dreams, adventures, emotions and real most true magic.

After the lockdown the book can be purchased at the Good Will Foundation at Pylimo str. 4, Vilnius, room 102 or via Good Will Foundation e-shop:

The publishing of the book was partially financed by the Good Will Foundation.

Price 8 Eur.