An Hour of Music to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Holocaust

An Hour of Music to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Holocaust

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On October 12, 5 pm, the Foundation for the Support of Lithuanian Musicians invites you to the Lithuanian Jewish Community’s J. Heifetz Hall (Pylimo street 4, 3rd floor) to participate in the concert to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Holocaust.

Judita Leitaitė, Associate Professor of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, and her students of chamber singing class Aija Jermoloviča, Jūratė Minelgaitė, Greta Rimšaitė, Gabija Žvinklytė, Natalija Dmuchovska, Skirmantė Vaičiūtė, Giedrius Gečys, Joris Gudelevičius will perform. Concertmaster – Jurijus Suchanovas.

The program includes works by A. Šenderovas, A. Olshanecky, M. Ravel and other composers, as well as Jewish and Lithuanian folk songs.

The book ” Tai buvo… Muzikinės kultūros atspindžiai, 3″ by musicologist Vaclovas Juodpusis will be presented.

Also, the film “…musiškiai žydų muzikai” by journalist Saulius Sondeckis will be presented.

The host of the event is musicologist Vaclovas Juodpusis.

The concert is free of charge. The Opportunity pass is required.

The project was partially funded by the Good Will Foundation.