This publication is a catalogue published by Sugihara Diplomats for Life Foundation representing the exhibition at the Sugihara House in Kaunas. From the perspective of Kaunas of that time, the exhibition bears the symbolic name of the Northern Casablanca, as it focuses on the period from 1939 to 1940 in the history of the city, Lithuania and Europe. Catalogue, as the exhibition itself, is comprised of three thematic groups: first, public and diplomatic life in Kaunas until the Second World War, second, geopolitical and social transformations of the Lithuanian society after the Nazi Germany occupied Klaipėda region in 1939 and the historic capital Vilnius was returned with the help of Soviets. Third, war refugees, their daily life and attempts to emigrate from Lithuania in the summer of 1940 after realizing, that Lithuania is no longer a safe refugee harbor to protect them from war woes. The publication ends with a scientific article “Lithuania on the Threshold: refugees, occupation, aid. 1939-1940” for those who hold interest in academic research and shaping of expositional narrative.
Price: 2 Eur