We invite you to travel back in time and visit Divenishok (Dieveniškės) shtetl!

We invite you to travel back in time and visit Divenishok (Dieveniškės) shtetl!

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The project “Dieveniškių štetlas. Paveikslėliai iš žydų gyvenimo iki 1941 m. vasaros [Divenishok Shtetl. Pictures from Jewish Life till the summer of 1941]” invites you to get acquainted with Divenishok shtetl and Jews, their culture and everyday life. The main purpose is to bring together inhabitants of Šalčininkai region, general public and historical Jewish Community of Divenishok in order to wake up and feel the collective memory.

Community of Simonas Karczmaras Craft Yard presents the exhibition of Divenishok shtetl and invites to experience the moments of Jewish life at the puppet-play. The film about the exhibition can be seen on YouTube platform.

Exhibition: http://dieveniskiutvm.lt/images/projektufoto/LT_PL_2020/visi_leidinys.pdf


Film on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2dDkIy1EqQ

More information: http://dieveniskiutvm.lt/index.php/lt/aktualijos/naujienos/57-dieveniskiu-stetlas-paveiksleliai-is-zydu-gyvenimo-iki-1941-m-vasaros

Project was implemented by the Community of Simonas Karczmaras Craft Yard, exhibition was created by JUDVI&AŠ.

The project was partially financed by the Good Will Foundation.