Archaeological research of the Great Synagogue of Vilna will be renewed and continued in August 2021. The research was cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Great Synagogue and Shulhoyf research and excavation project will start its sixth season this summer. The major result of the excavation in 2018 and 2019 was the exposure of the Bimah, and the work in 2021 will focus on further expansion of this excavation, revealing the Aron Kodesh and the walls of the Great Synagogue. Furthermore, we would we hope to be able to discover remnants of the earlier Vilna Synagogue, presumably erected in 1573.
As always, the work will be a joint effort of Lithuanians, Israelis, Americans and Canadians. The excavation works will be conducted between the 9th to 27th August 2021 in Žydų street, Vilnius.
If you are interested in participating in the excavation in Vilnius between the 9th to 27th August 2021, you are welcome to volunteer for the excavation. Please contact the organizers via PM on Facebook page.
More information about the volunteering:
The newest information about the research and excavation of 2021:
Facebook page:
The project is partially financed by the Good Will Foundation.
Photos by dr. Jon Seligman.