The World of Clara Rockmore. October 21, 2021, 6 pm at Kaunas State Philharmonic

The World of Clara Rockmore. October 21, 2021, 6 pm at Kaunas State Philharmonic

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Katica Illényi and Kaunas Wind Orchestra “Ąžuolynas” (chief conductor Giedrius Vaznys) will be waiting for you at Kaunas State Philharmonic at 6 p.m. on 21st of October.

This concert is like an adventure, because here you will experience and see an extremely rare instrument – a theremin – and a visual, when melodies are created by hands in the air, and at the same time it is a reminder to all of us about the famous Litvak people, whose roots are in Lithuania, and their contribution to the development of musical culture of global significance.

Tickets are distributed by

The organizer of the concert is the concert institution “Kauno Santaka” (director Vaidas Andriuškevičius).

The Opportunity Passport and face masks are required.

For more information and tickets, please, see the link below:

The event was partially financed by the Good Will foundation.