Two New Articles on the Research of the Great Synagogue of Vilna by Jon Seligman

Two New Articles on the Research of the Great Synagogue of Vilna by Jon Seligman

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We share below the links to two new articles on the bathhouse of the Great Synagogue of Vilna, the Vingriu spring and two kloyzn.

We remind that archaeological research of the Vilna Great Synagogue (13A Vokiečių Street, Vilnius) is conducted by the joined team of cultural heritage researchers from Lithuania, Israel and USA, the head of the team Dr. Jon Seligman.

Research of the Great Synagogue of Vilna is partially funded by the Good Will Foundation.


Articles in English:’ot_Ritual_Baths_of_the_Great_Synagogue_of_Vilna_Lithuania’s_Kloyz_and_Zarech’e_Kloyz


BNS photo.