The Board of the public entity “Foundation for Disposal of Good Will Compensation for the Immovable Property of Jewish Religious Communities” (hereinafter – GWF) is happy to announce the results of project funding (final list can be found here).
If the smaller amount was allocated than the sum applied for project financing, or the project implementation conditions in project application and/or project cost estimate have changed, applicants have to submit two copies of revised application form and project cost estimate according to the sum allocated and also maintaining the same financing intensity of the personal contribution. It is possible to reduce the project volume only in this case, when aims, objectives and results of the project do not change.
If the funding was not reduced and the project implementation conditions in project application and/or project cost estimate have not changed, please inform GWF about it via email and send the bank or other credit institution account details. Please note that the Applicant has to keep and use the funds received in the separate bank account.
If in the project funding list in the notes’ section it is indicated “to approve as inseparable part of Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community’s Vilna Gaon and Lithuanian history year 2020 commemoration program”, Applicant will have to submit to GWF the agreement with Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community form (example added), stating that project activities will be included to Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community’s Vilna Gaon and Lithuanian history year 2020 commemoration program and will be implemented together with Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community. The contact person in Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community – Neringa Stankevičienė, tel: +370 672 16982, email:
The consultations regarding the signing of the contracts with GWF and the revision of the project applications, project cost estimate after the appointed financing from GWF are provided by project manager Natalija Koriapina, email:, phone.: +370 5 261 12 59, mob. tel: +370 650 91521. Project funding agreement must be signed and project implementation started no later than 3 months from the date of Good Will Foundation Board decision announcement on GWF website.
Also, you can find the forms of project implementation reports, prepared by the GWF in the following link: