Discount for the books on the E-shop

Discount for the books on the E-shop

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We invite you to buy some books with the discount on the E-shop of the Good Will Foundation.

A give away for free – 5781 Jewish Calendar 2020/2021 (English, Lithuanian):

Discount for the books below:

Leonidas Merkinas. A Life in Architecture (Lithuanian, English), 20 Eur 7 Eur.

Casablanca of the North: Kaunas 1939 – 1940. The Exhibition Catalogue (Lithuanian, English, Japanese), 5 Eur 2 Eur.

Markas Petuchauskas, “Der Preis der Eintracht“ (in German), 12 Eur 5 Eur.

Friendship: In memoriam Leonidas Donskis. Petras Geniušas, Piano, 10 Eur 3 Eur.