The book “Tekstų byla: lietuvių antisemitinis diskursas nuo XIX a. antros pusės iki 1940 metų” (The Case of Texts: Lithuanian anti-Semitic Discourse from the second half of the 19th century to 1940) (Lithuanian) by Linas Venclauskas can be purchased at the Good Will Foundation

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The book “Tekstų byla: lietuvių antisemitinis diskursas nuo XIX a. antros pusės iki 1940 metų” (The Case of Texts: Lithuanian anti-Semitic Discourse from the second half of the 19th century … Read more

The book “Nakties Magija. Močiutės Meilės gimtadienis” (Magic of the Night. Grandmother’s Birthday) (Lithuanian) by Lea Ben Shlomo and Ilja Bereznickas can be purchased at the Good Will Foundation

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The book “Nakties Magija. Močiutės Meilės gimtadienis” (Magic of the Night. Grandmother’s Birthday) (Lithuanian) by Lea Ben Shlomo and Ilja Bereznickas can be purchased at the Good Will Foundation … Read more

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