CD “Four Musical Views on a Jewish Theme” (without magazine “Muzikos barai”)
10.00 Eur.

Photography album by Irena Giedraitienė “Echoes of Memories“ (Lithuanian, English)
13.00 Eur 3.00 Eur

A vinyl record “For Loving Memory” by Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society
The Lithuanian National Philharmonic released a vinyl record “For Loving Memory” during the implementation of the project “Music Route of Litvaks”.. read more..
25.00 Eur

Lea Ben Shlomo, Ilja Bereznickas. “Magic of the Night. Grandmother’s Birthday” (Lithuanian)
The adventures of Neras and Šansas continue. This time the story is about how a simple misunderstanding can turn into an unexpected story.. read more..
8 Eur

CD “Leopold Godowsky, Karol Szymanowsky: Valses Impressions“
The Good Will Foundation, TonArt Piano Studio and the Lithuanian National Philharmonic contributed to the project of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize winner.. read more..
25.00 Eur

CD “From Litvak Music Heritage: Aerogram”
8.00 Eur 5.00 Eur

Friendship: In memoriam Leonidas Donskis. Petras Geniušas, Piano. DVD
Pianist Petras Geniušas and philosopher Leonidas Donskis, who died in 2016, were friends ted by creative partnership. They worked together on several artistic projects and planned many more of them. Concert, recorded in this DVD is dedicated to commemorate Leonidas Donskis and the friendship of the two prominent persons in Lithuania.. read more..
3.00 Eur

Casablanca of the North: Kaunas 1939 – 1940. The Exhibition Catalogue (Lithuanian, English, Japanese)
2.00 Eur

Ruth Reches “Holocaust Survivors’ Experience of Identity” (Lithuanian, English, Hebrew)
12.00 Eur

Markas Petuchauskas, “Der Preis der Eintracht“ (in German)
Life provided the prisoner of Vilnius (Vilna) Ghetto, the famous theater critic and historian Markas Petuchauskas with such twists of fate, which you will not see even in the adventure movies. The author talks about people, who remained people during the Nazi and Soviet occupations in Lithuania… read more..
5.00 Eur

Justas Stončius. The Limits of Hatred: Antisemitism in Lithuania in 1944-1990 (Lithuanian, summary in English)
The history of modern anti-Semitism in Lithuania in the first half.. read more..
16.00 Eur

Mani Leib. “Pasakaitė eilėmis apie mamą su trimis sūnumis” (Rhymed Story about the Mother and her Three Sons) (Lithuanian)
The fun-filled and playfully written fairy tale tells the story of a mother and her three sons – Sloth, Eater and Piper.. read more..
6.00 Eur

Linas Venclauskas. “The Case of Texts: Lithuanian anti-Semitic Discourse from the second half of the 19th century to 1940” (Lithuanian)
This book by Linas Venclauskas is primarily about the projections of relations between the Lithuanian and Jewish communities in 1883-1940.. read more..
15.00 Eur

A Window on the Religious World of Lithuania‘s Jews Prior to the Holocaust. Lithuanian Judaica from the Collection of Mikhail Dushkes (Lithuanian, English)
This album assembled by collector, athlete, academic and businessman Mikhail Dushkes provides a window into the rabbinical world of interwar Lithuania and.. read more..
7.00 Eur

Ilja Bereznickas. Daniel in the Lions’ Den (Lithuanian)
“Daniel in the Lions’ Den” is a story illustrated by a famous animator Ilja Bereznickas based on a well-known passage from the Bible. The story of Daniel’s life is presented in a way to cheer and teach children. It can be an interesting acquaintance with religion or an encouragement to go deep into history.. read more..
8.00 Eur

Grigorijus Šuras “Notes. Chronicle of Vilnius Ghetto in 1941-1944” (Lithuanian)
This publication presents notes written by Grigorijus Šuras in Vilnius Ghetto and camp “Kailis” after liquidation of Vilnius Ghetto. Original text is in Russian language and written down in notebooks or on pieces of papers which were rewritten in notebooks.. read more..
8.00 Eur

Lea Ben ShLomo, Ilja Bereznickas “The Magic of the Night” (Lithuanian)
It is so hard to compete with electronic toys and computer games in this modern world. Neras and Šansas, wooden dolls, know that they can be funny toys if just one child would pick them and take home.. read more..
8.00 Eur

Mani Leib. “Medis. Fabrikas” (The Tree. The Factory) (Lithuanian)
Two short stories by Avrom Reyzen – “The Tree” and “The Factory” – have been published in the latest book. The publishers say that the new book will surprise loyal readers.. read more..
5.00 Eur

DEVILSPEL by Grigory Kanovich (in Hebrew)
Devilspel evokes the lost world of Lithuanian Jews during the Second World War. From the lives of Grigory Kanovich’s vividly drawn characters emerges a panorama of world events .. read more..
15.00 Eur

Vytautas Toleikis. Jews in Lithuanian Literature: from Enemy to Ally (Lithuanian)
In the book “Jews in Lithuanian Literature”, Vytautas Toleikis steps into the territory that only few scholars have explored, into a historically and culturally sensitive topic.. read more..
12.00 Eur

The book “Paminklas Paminklui. A Memorial for the Monument” (Lithuanian, English) by Rimantas Dichavičius
The album A Memorial for a Monument is dedicated to the memory of Vilnius Jewish cemetery on Olandų Street in Vilnius. The book contains photographs of the New Jewish cemetery destroyed by Soviet government in 1961-1964. The photos reflect not only the monuments destroyed by bulldozers, but also the author’s – artist and photographer Rimantas Dichavičius – reflections.. read more..
25.00 Eur

Maša Rolnikaitė. I MUST Tell. Reconstructed Diary (Lithuanian)
This is more than just a diary. It is the stream-of-consciousness of the experiences of Maria Rolnikaite (Masha Rolnik) during the years of 1941-1945. Beginning a month before her 14th birthday and lasting for the next 3 years and 7-1/2 months of German occupation.. read more..
8.00 Eur

Chanė Levin. “Vilenke and Maja” (Lithuanian)
When you open this book, you will find three playful and educational poems: “Vilenke and Maja”, “A Bug” and “Not me”. The poems are close to the genre of rhymed fairy tale.. read more..
4.00 Eur

Yitskhok Rudashevski “Diary of Vilna Ghetto” (“Vilniaus geto dienorastis“) (Lithuanian, Yiddish)
Icchokas Rudasevskis „Vilniaus geto dienorastis“ is a diary translated from original (Yiddish) language into Lithuanian by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas. The diary was discovered in July 1944 in the territory of former Vilna ghetto, in the attic of one of the houses in Dysna Street, written by a fifteen years old boy.. read more..
8.00 Eur

Leonid Machlis. The Six Careers of Michailas Aleksandrovičius. The Life of the Tenor (Lithuanian, Russian)
This book is about the world famous singer Michailas Aleksandrovičius (1914–2002) born in Latvia, Biržiai village. His impressive career as a singer began in Kaunas, where, before he was less than ten years old.. read more..
20.00 Eur

Mani Leib. “Liežuviukas Šaunuoliukas” (Lithuanian)
Can there be anything worse than winter without snowflakes and frosts? Exactly such a dreary winter hits the world. People drown in mud, in the dark, there is only gray rain instead of snow. Why did this happen and what to do?.. read more..
3.50 Eur

Perec Markiš. “Gaidys raudonskiauterys” (Lithuanian)
Once upon a time there lived a proud and arrogant peahen and no less a proud redhead rooster. The peahen wore a necklace and dreamed of marrying a king, and the rooster tousled his beautiful comb and longed to marry the peahen and reign the world… read more..
4.50 Eur

Rimantas Stankevičius. Dešimties stebuklų liudytojai (Lithuanian)
The author of the book lived in the Old Town of Vilnius for six decades, where, according to Czesław Miłosz, every stone has a story. Once upon a time, events took place here, the fate of people living in the neighborhood involved the author himself, and a quarter of a century ago his attention shifted to the period of 1941-1944, when the author became interested in the fate of Jewish rescuers and rescued people…read more..
8.00 Eur

Leib Kvitko. “Katytė (Kitten)” (Lithuanian)
A naughty kitten lives in the house. Soft, black as a tar, she purrs, runs around the house, and plays. Even a mother angry that a kitten is making friends with mice can’t resist the charm. But the best friend of a kitten is not a mouse, but a boy..read more..
4.50 Eur

Leonidas Merkinas. A Life in Architecture (Lithuanian, English)
7.00 Eur

Vilius Kavaliauskas. The Promised Land – Lithuania (Lithuanian)
When the state of Lithuania was born in 1918, all the nations that lived here took part in its creation. The Lithuanian Jewish Community sincerely participated in that process, seeing the possibility of living in a free and democratic republic after the restrictions of the tsarist government..read more..
15.00 Eur

Marija Vasiliauskienė, Eugenijus Bunka. Pėdsakai Platelių gatvelėse (Footprints in Plateliai Streets) (Lithuanian)
The book presents Marija Vasiliauskienė’s memories of the community of Plateliai town – Samogitians and Jews. The publication contains many photos and documents of Estera Šapiraitė, who left Plateliai in 1934, as well as Jewish documents, photos, memories of the Samogitian and Jewish descendants about the tragic fate of the townspeople..read more..
3.00 Eur

Vaclovas Juodpusis. Tai buvo…Muzikinės kultūros atspindžiai.3 (Lithuanian)
The book contains only a part of printed or unpublished articles in various publications in Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Yiddish, and speech texts about Lithuanian music creators and performers, who are living or once lived not only in Lithuania but also abroad..read more..
12.00 Eur

Leib Kvitko. “Miške” (In a Forest) (Lithuanian)
Sometimes we dream that we are sitting on the edge of the moon and eating ice cream – oh, how do you not want to wake up then … And sometimes such crazy dreams appear that they are too scary to tell someone. This has happened to the little cute kitten: in a dream he saw a forest..read more..
4.50 Eur

Bentsiyen Raskin. “Višta, kuri norėjo šukų” (A Hen which wanted a Comb) (Lithuanian)
The tale of the rooster and the hen is known to many. But has anyone heard the tale.. read more..
4.50 Eur

Irina Guzenberg. Vilnius: Traces of the Jerusalem of Lithuania (English)
The guidebook introduces the reader to 23 pedestrian routes specially designated to encompass sites of Jewish historical and cultural significance..read more..
40.00 Eur

A set of Litvak nursery rhymes for children
In 2021, based on the project “Translation and Publishing of the Yiddish Children’s Books”, a publishing house “Slinktys” together with the Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) community published 5 books for children. The first editions of books in Yiddish appeared about 100 years ago. The originals are archived in the e-library of the YIVO Institute, and the Institute itself is a partner in this project. Original illustrations are published in the books..read more..
18.00 Eur

Jewish Life in Kaunas Prior to the Holocaust. From the Michailas Duškesas Collection of Lithuanian Judaica (Lithuanian, English)
Only a very small part of the exhibits collected by the collector Michailas Duškesas related to the life of the Kaunas Jewish community before the Holocaust fit into this catalog..read more..
7.00 Eur

CD “Symphony from Jerusalem of the North”
In 2021, on the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust, the young composer Jievaras Jasinskis, in collaboration with Tadas Daujotas, the author of the idea playing ancient Hebrew instruments – shofars, co-created an unprecedented musical project “The Symphony from North Jerusalem”..read more..
25.00 Eur
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